High-Performance Curtain Wall

Roadmap for Industry Reports: An Interview with Helen Goodland
December 10, 2018
Women4Climate Mentorship Program
January 10, 2019
Roadmap for Industry Reports: An Interview with Helen Goodland
December 10, 2018
Women4Climate Mentorship Program
January 10, 2019

Past Event: December 2018


The increasing implementation of higher performance building standards demand options and a competitive marketplace for high-performance products. Through our event series focused on emerging, new or undiscovered high-performance products in the local market, ZEBx invited Blackcomb Façade Technology to present on the Raico high-performance windows, including their certified Passive House window and curtain wall products. In addition to a product overview, architecture firm HCMA discussed their experience with the Raico product in its latest showcase project, Clayton Community Centre, which is targeting Passive House Certification. Finally, Morrison Hershfield illustrated key design and installation components from the Low TEDI Guide through a purpose-built mock-up that was created specifically for this event!

Our purpose built mock-ups for this event showcasing a Passive House certified curtain wall in a high-performance wall.

Want to see this mock-up again? Or new mock-ups?

ZEBx is committed to accelerating the implementation of solutions that support zero emissions buildings and recognizes the value of showcasing real applications and case studies to industry. If you are interested in getting another close up look to the mock-ups for this event, or are interested in seeing the development of new mock-ups of leading edge solutions, please contact jessica@zebx.org. 

Look forward to additional workshops, training and events that will delve into more detail of the other products and systems showcased in this mock-up in the new year. Sign up for our newsletter to stay informed. Practice walls

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Mock-up and Content Made Possible By