NAPHN Report: Is Cost the Barrier to Passive House Performance?
June 22, 2021
Video & Playbook: Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
July 7, 2021
Celebrating three years of collaborations, facilitating knowledge exchange, showcasing excellence and community-building.
In the City of Vancouver’s 2016 Zero Emissions Building Plan, the Zero Emissions Building Exchange was conceived as a Centre of Excellence to build capacity and enthusiasm for zero-emissions buildings. As Canada’s first Centre of Excellence for zero-emissions buildings, we collaborate with governments and the building industry to facilitate knowledge exchange, showcase excellence and build a sense of community in order to accelerate action for effective market transformation across the Metro Vancouver region.
ZEBx operates under some of the country’s most progressive green building policies, regulations and climate emergency action plans. We are well-positioned to support effective solutions that reduce GHG emissions from the built environment, thereby mitigating climate change. If you have embraced the low-carbon future of the building sector, ZEBx’s mission is to ensure that you don’t get left behind.
The 2020-21 fiscal year arrived with some obvious challenges related to the global pandemic. This had a big impact on our community’s ability to network, but ZEBx was able to successfully pivot to online programming and offer a way to stay in touch and allow the community to grow. In fact, switching to online programming greatly extended our reach!