What’s the Plan? Bonus Edition, Jan 2024. Productive Disruption – Virtual Decarbonization Planning
March 1, 2024
Hiring Alert! Director, Communications, ZEIC
March 22, 2024
Reframed Initiative: Optimizing Deep Building Retrofits
Past Event: Mar 8, 2024 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
It’s widely recognized that addressing new buildings alone will not be enough to get us to our emissions reduction targets. Deep building retrofits are a crucial component of the decarbonization transition.
At our March 2024 Decarb Lunch we heard about two ongoing deep retrofit projects from the perspectives of a designer and an owner. Speakers were from Pembina, LHRA, Pacifica Housing, and Metro Vancouver Housing, and they gave key takeaways relating to process, procurement, retrofit bundling, and more. The core intentions and high-level learnings from the Reframed Initiative were discussed with an emphasis on those relevant to the industry at large.
This webinar is also offered as part of the Passive House Accelerator’s Reimagine Buildings ‘24 online conference of which ZEBx is a community partner. Please check out the conference agenda here.
Thanks to the financial support of BC Hydro, Vancity, and the City of Vancouver, this event was free of charge.
Christopher Rowe, Principal at Low Hammond Rowe Architects Inc
Chris is a partner at Low Hammond Rowe Architects in Victoria and a Certified Passive House Designer, with a career designing significant buildings for residential, hospitality, retail, office, K-12 and post-secondary education, sports and recreation, laboratories, and health sciences. He has a special interest and expertise in the facilitation of integrated design teams for high-performance buildings – working in this capacity on a range of large and complex projects. His sustainable design work runs from Canada’s first LEED 1.0 Gold project, the Vancouver Island Technology Park, through roles as sustainability coordinator and facilitator for the Richmond Olympic Oval, and lead designer for the award-winning Centre for Athletics, Recreation, and Special Abilities at the University of Victoria, to numerous current BC Energy Code Step 4 and net zero projects in Victoria and Vancouver for public and private sector clients.
Ian Scott, Director of Community Real Estate and Asset Strategies at Pacifica Housing
Ian is a professional planner with a background working in the non-profit sector, local government, and private and non-profit housing development. He has a degree in geography and environmental studies from UVIC and Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ian is the Director of Community Real Estate and Asset Strategies and leads Pacifica Housing’s work to grow its supportive housing and rental housing portfolio and manage the physical condition of its 1450 units and 42 properties. Prior to joining Pacifica, Ian ran his own consultancy, working to support and lead sustainable, affordable development with clients such as the Tofino Housing Corporation, Gabriola Housing Society, Cortes Community Housing Society and Dockside Green. He lives with his partner and active family in Victoria BC, getting outside as much as he can to bike, ski, hike, garden and explore.
Ross Arbo, Housing Technician at Metro Vancouver Housing
Ross has been working as a Housing Technician at Metro Vancouver Housing since early 2019; as the owner representative his role is to project manage major rehabilitation and deep energy retrofit projects. He came to MVH from the building envelope consulting field, where he project managed both new construction and rehabilitation projects, including residential and commercial buildings, for 12 years.
Betsy Agar, Director of the Buildings Program at Pembina Institute
Natalie Douglas, Program Manager, ZEBx